Quality & Compliance
TecPearl is committed to providing quality products and services to meet the needs of IT professionals and our partners around the globe.

TecPearl maintains a rigorous Quality Management System and is compliant with ISO 9001:2015 standards. You can view our ISO registration documentation below:
To learn more about how we ensure performance and quality with our products, please visit our Product Performance page.

Our products are in compliance with:
RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances)
REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization & Restrictions of Chemicals)
WEEE (Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment)

Human Rights
We use a rigorous evaluation and auditing process for all new contract manufacturers of our products
TecPearl requires contract manufacturers to make declarations regarding human rights, labor practices, the environment, and anti-corruption matters through an annual questionnaire
TecPearl communicates its expectation that its supply chain is free of slavery and human trafficking. We have created an annual statement in compliance with UK Modern Slavery Act which aims to prevent human trafficking and slavery in supply chains
Environmental Responsibility
TecPearl remains committed to minimizing our environmental footprint wherever possible. We strive to minimize materials used in packaging and use recyclable materials when possible. We also utilize low voltage standards in our products when applicable.